Friday, September 21, 2007

Who Knows You on LinkedIn?

I have just come across a quote from David Perry, executive director of a recruiting firm and author of the Guerrilla Marketing series of books.

He says in the Ottawa Business Journal: "In the old days, it was what you knew. Then it was who you knew. Now, it is who knows you".

Building LinkedIn network just fits exactly this "who knows you" idea, right?

While you are asleep, more and more professionals out of 14 million of LinkedIn members, including potential business partners and clients, hiring managers and recruiters, get to know you.

As I am l looking for interesting projects in Internet Research, Internet Marketing, International Business, Translation and Localization, I am building a rather versatile LinkedIn network of professionals from various countries and industries.

So, who knows me on LinkedIn?

1 comment:

Dennis Stevenson said...


Nice start! I'm currently composing my thoughts to answer the linked in question "Why are you on Linked IN?".

I recently had a great experience using social media (twitter, not LinkedIN) that really drove home how powerful these connections can be. Full thought is detailed in my blog at and I think this is a great way to "see the world" and participate in it.
