Saturday, April 16, 2016

Looking for Book Reviewers in the field of international real estate

For a limited time from April 16th to April 20th, 2016 I'm running a promo on Amazon: my e-book *How to Plan and Budget for Success in International Property Sales* is FREE to download during these 5 days only.

I do this to gather opinions, reviews, comments and questions on the content. Thanks for your input!

You can post a Customer Review on Amazon or contact me directly through my website with your opinion piece.

Here's the Amazon link to download:


Olga Kellen,

"Tap Russian markets with my help!"
English - Russian Translator,
Associate member of ATA,

Monday, April 11, 2016

8 years later... an update

It was lots of fun to write this blog 8 years ago... I was new on LinkedIn and still rather new in the self-publishing arena, and this blog was about these two adventures.

Many things have happened since then:

- My LinkedIn profile is still alive and well, but long ago I stopped doing anything to specifically grow my network as at some point it had taken care of itself. I've got several marketing and translation clients from LI, but do not spend time on the site anymore.

- 8 years ago I started my professional translation website and that was the reason that I abandoned anything else and applied all my time and efforts to this project. Pretty soon the site turned its course and became a marketing-to-Russians venue with the accent on selling international real estate to Russian buyers: . The site got up to the top positions in Google for the keywords like "Russian buyers", "Russian brokers", "Russian real estate agents" and other similar terms.

- Having acquired lots of experience in international marketing of real estate and written lots of texts in this business area I just recently started to sort it all out and create e-books on various topics in the field: .

- So, we may actually say that I'm back to self-publishing, this time on Amazon Kindle: . This is the new *E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers*. The E-Series will eventually summarize All-One-Has-to-Know to successfully market and sell real estate to international buyers. Each e-book centers on a particular aspect of marketing and selling properties to international buyers.

- The E-Series so far consists of the following four books (click on each cover image to go to the books' Amazon pages):

Book 1. *How to Find the Best Foreign Realtors and Make Your Offer of Cooperation in Sale Irresistible to Them* is a complete guide for marketing and selling international properties with the help of foreign realtors.

Book 2. *How to Efficiently Advertise Your Property for Sale Internationally* is about the option of selling properties by marketing directly to potential foreign buyers and conveys the best cost-effective ways of direct advertising to the general buying public in a foreign country where you want to find a buyer for you property.

Book 3. *How to Sell Real Estate to the Russians* is the expert advice for realtors, developers and private property sellers from all over the world who are looking specifically for the Russian buyers to broaden their buying pool and thus improve their real estate sales.

Book 4. *How to Plan and Budget for Success in International Property Sales* is about creating the most cost-effective marketing plan based on any marketing budget for any property for sale to the foreign real estate buyers.

- The time has come to start MARKETING my new babies and this is fun again.


Olga Kellen,

"Tap Russian markets with my help!"
English - Russian Translator,
Associate member of ATA,