I'm a new Amazon Kindle publisher with the *E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers* at http://www.amazon.com/author/olgakellen
There is a program offered to publishers called Kindle Unlimited to which publishers can subscribe. The program allows Amazon readers who pay monthly subscription fees to Amazon to download any book that is in the program free of charge. Publishers are getting paid for the number of pages that were actually read, and the source of such payments is some fund created from the subscription fees.
Amazon makes this program attractive to the publishers saying:
"Here are some examples of how it would work if the fund was $10M and 100,000,000 total pages were read in the month:
The author of a 100 page book that was borrowed and read completely 100 times would earn $1,000 ($10 million multiplied by 10,000 pages for this author divided by 100,000,000 total pages)."
Looks good? Pays approximately 10 cents per page read... Of course, I'm in!
Then I started seeing payments like 20 cents on my Amazon reports and thought: what is that? was somebody so unhappy with my text that they stopped reading after 2 pages??? NO!!!
I went digging through Amazon forums and discovered from other authors that in reality payments per page to publishers in the program are about one half of a cent instead of 10 cents!
So, as you already guess, I'm out as soon as my mandatory 3 months in the program to which I signed are over!
If you are a subscriber to Kindle Unlimited, hurry up to download my e-books on international real estate sales free http://www.amazon.com/author/olgakellen , later on they will be available only for buying...