Wednesday, June 22, 2016

My Second News Release to Real Estate Associations

News Release. Real Estate Marketing to Foreign Buyers on Amazon

For Immediate Release:

Two new parts have been added to the *E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers* on Amazon at . The E-Series will eventually summarize All-One-Has-to-Know to successfully market and sell real estate to international buyers. Each e-book centers on a particular aspect of marketing and selling properties to international buyers.

The e-book *How to Be the First on Foreign Google* is about attracting foreign visitors to your property online - the more the better. It covers the basics, educates in major internet tools, gives the general ideas in the internet traffic building and answers the following important questions:

* Why to be on the foreign internet is a must for your marketing?
* How to be found and seen on the foreign internet?
* What are Search Engine Optimization (SEO) and Pay-Per-Click (PPC)?
* How to promote your property foreign website?
* What is better: Your own website or ads on real estate portals?
* How to be the first on Google in any language?

The e-book *How to Convert Foreign Internet Visitors into Real Estate Buyers* is about the art and science of converting online visitors into buyers. It discusses the following significant for your success issues:

* How to convert internet visitors into actual buyers; 
* How to find and organize the content for your property foreign website;
* How to attract more foreign buyers by a property video;
* Search Engine Optimization (SEO);
* What is your Unique Selling Proposition (USP)? 
* How to save on high quality translations.

All of the already published books of the E-Series are on Olga Kellen’s Amazon Author’s page: . (The new ones will be added in the near future.)

One can read these Amazon Kindle e-books on any device (laptop, desktop, iPhone, iPad, etc.) with a free Kindle application that can be downloaded from Amazon for any and all types of devices.

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Olga Kellen,

"Tap Russian markets with my help!"
English - Russian Translator,
Associate member of ATA,

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