Tuesday, May 3, 2016

News Release for Real Estate Associations

Here's my simple up-to-the-point News Release about my new publication "E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers" that I'm sending to Real Estate Associations (hoping they'll spread the word among their members):

For Immediate Release:

The new *E-Series: How to Beat Your Competition Selling Real Estate to Foreign Buyers* has been started on Amazon. The E-Series will eventually summarize All-One-Has-to-Know to successfully market and sell real estate to international buyers. Each e-book centers on a particular aspect of marketing and selling properties to international buyers.

All of the already published books of the E-Series are on Olga Kellen’s Amazon Author’s page: http://www.amazon.com/author/olgakellen . (The new ones will be added in the near future.)

The E-Series so far consists of the following four books:

Book 1. *How to Find the Best Foreign Realtors and Make Your Offer of Cooperation in Sale Irresistible to Them* is a complete guide for marketing and selling international properties with the help of foreign realtors.

Book 2. *How to Efficiently Advertise Your Property for Sale Internationally* is about the option of selling properties by marketing directly to potential foreign buyers and conveys the best cost-effective ways of direct advertising to the general buying public in a foreign country where you want to find a buyer for your property.

Book 3. *How to Sell Real Estate to the Russians* is the expert advice for realtors, developers and private property sellers from all over the world who are looking specifically for the Russian buyers to broaden their buying pool and thus improve their real estate sales.

Book 4. *How to Plan and Budget for Success in International Property Sales* is about creating the most cost-effective marketing plan based on any marketing budget for any property for sale to the foreign real estate buyers.

More e-books on the topic of international real estate sales will be added in the near future to http://www.amazon.com/author/olgakellen .

One can read these Amazon Kindle e-books on any device (laptop, desktop, iPhone, iPad, etc.) with a free Kindle application that can be downloaded from Amazon for any and all types of devices.

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I know that the text is not up to the standard press release that one sends to media - some parts are omitted by choice as I only want to supply the important information for realtors, not entice somebody into writing an article or something... We'll see how it'll work or will it work;-)


Olga Kellen, Citizen of the World said...

2 weeks after delivering my message to 100+ associations of realtors my Amazon ranking became higher (all my newly published e-books were transported from 'nowhere to be seen' to somewhere in the first 100 in Global Marketing), although no dramatic increase in the 'sold' numbers... Of course, I have no means to check out whether my news was sent out to members or posted on message boards or newsletters by any of the associations of realtors that I contacted...

Olga Kellen, Citizen of the World said...

More on the same: the Amazon ranking is a very liquid thing and changes rapidly as it depends not only on your own sales, but also on other sales in the same category of books. So, approximately a week later my books' ranking is already lower (in the second 100 instead of the first) which probably means that the pick of sales connected to the promotion undertaken is over, and the promotion should go on non-stop...