Monday, January 14, 2008

Blogging, Self-Publishing and LinkedIn

I started this blog in June 2007, soon after I joined LinkedIn.

When I realized that the best way of making connections and becoming visible on LinkedIn was to answer those questions where I had expertise, I started this blog and often linked the posts to my answers.

This way it's much easier to answer LinkedIn questions that are asked over and over again - about publishing and self-publishing for example.

There is a book inside every person, they say, so any LinkedIn member who is going to write their book or writing it now or has written some, asks a question about publishing and/or self-publishing. These questions appear very often on LinkedIn.

I worked with self-publishers and published articles on the related topics:

Some of them are as follows:

New Author's Publishing Options

Publishing or Self - Publishing

How to Choose Publishing Companies

Common Publishing Mistakes Authors make

Your Newly Published Book Marketing and Promotion

As E-Book Author You Can Successfully Sell Your Expertise Online

How To Find Literary Agent

The articles covered many self-publishing topics, but there were still many to cover, especially on the book selling side of the self-publishing. That's one of the reasons why this blog was born as How-I-Started-On-LinkedIn and then turned to self-published book sales ;-)

1 comment:

Kathie Thomas said...

The LinkedIn Carnival is now up at