Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Day 3, LinkedIn Questions and Answers

Now, another very interesting question: "Why and how do people ask questions on LinkedIn?" It is obvious that most of them have a genuine interest in expertise of other members that LinkedIn can provide.

But look at some who are wording their questions in a sophisticated way to get self-promotion, but to avoid to be accused in getting self-promotion that is against the LinkedIn policy.

Some post "$50,000" questions as I call them. Instead of hiring a consultant to help with a project at hands they try to dig into other members expertise so deep and wide that it seems that they expect professionals to do a job for free.

Polling questions are posted every day, and they receive more answers than others. Researching answers is even more exciting than questions.

So, after some short period of reading, I started answering questions. My attitude is simple - I answer when I know the answer. I also reply to some polling questions when I have time and interest.

I started posting answers to questions about publishing and self-publishing, book marketing and promotion, marketing services on the Internet, e-commerce, e-books, building small business websites, search engines optimization, websites promotion, translations and teaching languages, immigration and visas, real estate, etc. They are all in the scope of my expertise and often result from my previous research on a broad variety of topics in business and industries.


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