Monday, June 11, 2007

Day 2, LinkedIn Invitations

Now, how do you socialize and network? First off, you have possibilities to invite anybody you know from the past or present, to be in your network. They might be already LinkedIn members or not yet. It is your own choice to do that or not, it depends on your networking goals.

I started sending invitations to my classmates (there is a feature for that, classmates come up almost automatically), friends and other nice folks I met in life who might be interested to join LinkedIn and look around... It is amazing to find out how your classmates are spread all over the world nowadays!

While building your own network you can do a lot of things anyway. There is an interesting section of the site called "Answers". Reading it and posting to it you can get in touch with so many interesting people! Anybody can post a question or answer a question there.

Some people post so highly technical questions that an average human being can only understand a question mark there…

Some ask questions that a normal 6th-grader could answer…

And everything in between – most of the questions fall into this category of course.

The "Answers" section is in English, although some folks post something in other Latin alphabet languages, well, good for you, those who can understand :-)

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