Monday, April 14, 2008

One Year on LinkedIn

It was about a year ago when I discovered LinkedIn and started my profile. I had been active on LinkedIn for about 8 months in 2007 and then became busy with some offline stuff in 2008 and was not be able to answer questions and communicate on LinkedIn as much as I used to. Hope to be back though ;-)

What happened during my LinkedIn absent time? My first degree connections number stayed more or less the same, as I used to make new connections mostly through answering those questions on LinkedIn that were within the scope of my expertise.

Nevertheless my network grew by approximately 1,000,000 members (!) in 4 months of my "LinkedIn laziness" because my connections continued to acquire new connections of their own. So, LinkedIn really works while you are asleep! So far, I'm connected to 5,000,000 professionals worldwide.

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